We are the nerds no time for jocks because we are the nerds
Hello fellow citizens of Mrs.Rigsbys 5th grade class on this blog you will be able to type rumors gossip or even something about conopy or the war (you don't want to know) in other words it's what's behind the nerdiness of 217
Part wish list and part to-do list...but 100 percent nerd.
50. Have a fashionista compliment you on your outfit.
49. Get married on a replica of the starship Enterprise at the "Star Trek: Experience" in Las Vegas.
48. Be bold and take your action figures out of the box...
47. Visit the grave of pioneering comic book artist Jack Kirby.
46. Live James Joyces' Ulysses by attending the Bloomsday Festival in Dublin. (Reading Ulysses first -- or at least buying the Cliff's Notes -- might be good here, too.)
45. See all of Shakespeare's histories performed. Yes, even the lame ones. (Helloooooo, King John!)
44. Visit the yet-to-be-made Harry Potter theme park.
43. While visiting try not to cry tears of nerdy joy.
42. Defeat King Koopa Troopa just once for heavens sake!
41. Have martinis and make witty comments at the Algonquin Hotel in New York, preferably at a round table.
40. See at least one game at all existing Major League Baseball ballparks.
39. Make a tour of Raymond Chandler’s Los Angeles. After that, make a tour of The Big Lebowski’s Los Angeles.
38. Draw a map of a nonexistent or fictional place.
37. Visit DC Comics’ office.
36. Check out the computer labs at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, future birthplace of HAL-9000.
35. Go to the Superman Festival in Metropolis, IL.
34. Have dinner with Adam West (Batman), Burt Ward (Robin) and Linda Carter (Wonder Woman). Denigrate Gil Gerard.
33. Visit the respective castles that inspired Frankenstein and Dracula.
32. Match or out-do Eugene Andreev's record-setting freefall from an altitude of 83,523 ft (25,457 m).
31. Build your own lightsaber.
30. Visit Riverside, Iowa, future birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk.
29. Watch the sunset from inside the "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure" dinosaur.
28. Convince Harold Bloom that Tolkien's Ring trilogy belongs in the canon just as much as that stuffy old Faerie Queene. Plus, hello, hobbits!
27. Go to an underground sing-along screening of the Buffy Musical. (When Buffy is outlawed, only outlaws will sing-along to Buffy.)
I'm supposed to put a discription about me in here huh. Well I was also supposed to do my homework huh. I'll say one thing, "LET NERDS EVERYWERE CONTINUE TALKING ABOUT OCTOPUSES AND OCTOPI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
ReplyDelete3.14159265354787= awesomeness